Smart ∙ Accessible ∙ Tech

Through our services of development, integration, consulting and hosting, we offer solutions in technology that fulfills our customer needs.

Our projects are focused on ensuring robustness, high quality, and objectivity. Still, they have simple, sophisticated and pleasant design. This way, we offer solutions that combine good performance, design, and cost benefit.

We work with transparent customer relationship, offering different business options, being clear on pricing and respecting the agenda.

Our Products

DUX Analytics

Analytics platform for processing sensor data, ideal for weather and environment monitoring for business.

DUX Logging

Simple and scalable API to safely register log data in a robust and accessible way.

DUX Store

Platform to manage corporate websites tailored for your needs with high performance and user experience.

Our Services

website development

Websites and eCommerce

Design of optimized institutional and e-commerce websites with excellent cost benefit.

system and platform development

Systems and Platforms

Development and hosting of systems and platforms on the cloud over demand.

cross platform applications

Cross-platform Apps

Design of apps for mobile or desktop on any operational system.

digital transformation consulting

Digital Transformation

Consulting and development of solutions for optimization of task performances.

corporate cloud and information technology

Cloud and Corporate IT

Dedicated file systems on the cloud and solutions for corporate it.

how can we help you?